What is Aesthetic “Orange Aesthetic” Colour?

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By StevenGadson

The hex code for Aesthetic Orange Aesthetic is #F4AB6A. Its equivalent RGB values are 244, 171, and 106, which means that it contains 47% red, 33% green, and 20% blue. In printers, the CMYK color codes are C:0M:30 Y.57 K:4. Aesthetic Orange is a color with a hue of 28deg and 57% saturation, as well as a brightness of 96% in the HSV/HSB scale.

Below are details of color codes, including HTML and CSS equivalents. The closest Pantone(r), PMS, and RAL colors are also listed.

Aesthetic Orange Aesthetic does not belong to the web colors list so it cannot be used in HTML or CSS code. It is best to add the color to a webpage by entering its hex, RGB, or HSL values. Also, please note that the Orange Aesthetic CMYK numbers on this page are approximates and were calculated using well-known formulae.

Consider primary colors your anchor colors. These colors, or any combination thereof, can provide brand protection when you explore new shades, tones and tints. (We’ll get to those in a moment).

Don’t limit yourself to the three primary colors when you are painting or designing with primary colors. Orange Aesthetic, while not a primary color, can be used by brands as their dominant color (HubSpot knows this well).

You can identify colors that may work well with Orange Aesthetic by knowing which primary colors make Orange Aesthetic. This will help you to choose the right tone, shade, or tint. We now move on to the next type of color…

Secondary Colors Orange Aesthetic

Secondary colors are colors created by mixing any two of the primary colors. The color theory model below shows how each secondary colour is supported by the two primary colors.

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There are three secondary colours: green, purple, or orange. Each one can be created using only two of the primary colors. These are the rules for secondary color creation.

Tertiary colors

Tertiary colours are created by mixing a primary and secondary color. This is where color gets more complex. To understand how experts choose colors in design, you need to first understand the components of color.

Tertiary colors are important because not all primary colors can be matched with secondary colors to make a tertiary colour. Red, for example, cannot be mixed in harmony to green and blue, with Orange Aesthetic, would create a slightly brownish color (unless that’s what your looking for).

This is why tertiary colours are created when a primary and secondary color mix with one another on the color wheel below. This requirement is met by six tertiary colours.